The Other Sides of Steve Jobs

Nama : Kenty Nursella
Kelas : 3eb09

The Other Sides of Steve Jobs

Who is not familiar with Steve Paul Jobs? or who is often greeted by Steve Jobs. American businessman and inventor who played a key role in the success of Apple computers and the development of revolutionary new technology such as the iPod, iPad and MacBook.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, 1955, to two university students Joanne Schieble and Syrian-born John Jandali. They were both unmarried at the time, and Steven was given up for adoption. Steven was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. As a boy, Jobs and his father worked on electronics in the family garage [1], Steven’s father, Paul, encouraged him to experiment with electronics in their garage.  a hobby that instilled confidence, tenacity and mechanical prowess in young Jobs.
Jobs attended a local school in California and later enrolled at Reed College, Portland, Oregon [2]. His education was characterised by excellent test results and potential [3]. At Reed College, he attended a calligraphy course which fascinated him [4]. But, Jobs dropped out of college after six months and spent the next 18 months dropping in on creative classes, including a course on calligraphy [5].
In 1976, when Jobs was just 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computer in the Jobs’ family garage. They funded their entrepreneurial venture by Jobs selling his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak selling his beloved scientific calculator [6]. Steve jobs and Steve Wozniak meet while attending Homestead High School in Cupertino, they have the same interest in the electronics field {7}.
            Wozniak invented the first Apple I computer [8]. Jobs, Wozniak and Ronald Wayne then set up Apple computers. Over the next few years, Apple computers expanded rapidly as the market for home computers began to become increasingly significant [9]. Despite the many innovative successes of Jobs at Apple, there was increased friction between Jobs and other workers at Apple. In 1985, removed from his managerial duties, Jobs resigned and left Apple.[10]
On leaving Apple, Jobs founded NeXT computers [11]. This was never particularly successful, failing to gain mass sales. In 1996, Apple bought NeXT for $429 million. the purchase of NeXT brought Jobs back to Apple. He was given the post of chief executive. At the time, Apple had fallen way behind rivals such as Microsoft, and Apple was struggling to even make a profit [12]. In 1997, Jobs returned to his post as Apple's CEO [13].  Jobs’ ingenious products (like the iMac), effective branding campaigns and stylish designs caught the attention of consumers once again. In the ensuing years, Apple introduced such revolutionary products as the Macbook Air, iPod and iPhone, all of which dictated the evolution of technology. Almost immediately after Apple released a new product, competitors scrambled to produce comparable technologies [14].
Apple has been rated No.1 in America’s most admired companies. Jobs management has been described as inspirational, although c-workers also state, Jobs could be a hard taskmaster and was temperamental. Jobs once said “My job is to say when something sucks rather than sugar-coat it.” This earned him the reputation of being brutal because he was too honest, abrasive, and difficult to work with [15]. Once, when there were a lot of bad reviews for MobileMe services, he fired the team leader in front of all the other employees after scolding them for half an hour.
Then how can he retain the best people even though his tongue is sharp and speaks brutally which most of us consider very unprofessional? Considering Apple's products, surely there are great people who are able to get jobs anywhere, so why do they keep working there?
Jobs told his employees "the journey is the reward", which turned out to be true for many people [16]. Jobs believed in the meaning of mission and culture, which is to make great and innovative products that needed strong encouragement to be able to be patient with insults from others {17}. This allows Jobs to encourage many people to exceed their abilities. And true, on many occasions the spicy words actually affect how the product can be successful.
Under Jobs, Apple managed to overtake Microsoft regarding share capitalization {18}. Apple also gained a pre-eminent reputation for the development and introduction of ground breaking technology. Despite, growing ill-health, Jobs continued working at Apple until August 2011. where he finally retired to concentrate on his deteriorating health [19]. when he resigned, Jobs earned only $1million as CEO of Apple. But, share options from Apple and Disney gave him an estimated fortune of $8.3billion. On October 5, 2011 he died due to complications from his pancreatic cancer and suffered a heart attack.[20]

!!! Information !!!
1.      Possessive pronoun, Simple Past
2.      Simple Past
3.      Possessive pronoun
4.      Simple past
5.      Simple past, Gerund
6.      Gerund
7.      Gerund
8.      Simple past
9.      Simple past, To infinitive
10.  Possessive pronoun
11.  Gerund, simple past
12.  Past perfect, past continuous
13.  Simple past
14.  To infinitive
15.  Simple past, To infinitive
16.  Simple past
17.  To infinitive
18.  To infinitive
19.  Possessive pronoun
20.  Simple past
